How to activate my account?
Step 1: Once you’ve landed in the Log-in page enter your email ID and click Next.
Step 2: Click Send Activation link button.
Step 3: Activation link will be sent to your respective email. Click OK to continue to login page.
Step 4: Check your Mail Inbox/Notification
Step 5: If you didn't find any activation link mail in inbox, check it in Spam as shown below.
Step 6: Open the received mail in inbox, and click "Activate Account" as shown below.
Step 7: You will be directed to the Login page. Set your new password and confirm the password again. Click Set Password
Step 8: You will be directed to fill the Personal and Academic Details
Step 2: Click Send Activation link button.
Step 3: Activation link will be sent to your respective email. Click OK to continue to login page.
Step 4: Check your Mail Inbox/Notification
Step 5: If you didn't find any activation link mail in inbox, check it in Spam as shown below.
Step 6: Open the received mail in inbox, and click "Activate Account" as shown below.
Step 7: You will be directed to the Login page. Set your new password and confirm the password again. Click Set Password
Step 8: You will be directed to fill the Personal and Academic Details
Updated on: 27/04/2023
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