How to mark attendance?
STEP 1: Login to your ID STEP 2: Click on the drives in the left side of the screen and select the drive STEP 3: In the round details, click on the “Attendance” ( readersHow to check the leader board?
STEP 1: Login to your ID STEP 2: Click on the three dots in the left and select "LeaderBoard". Here you can find your leaderboard for the attempted courseFew readersDoes the platform send any notification messages?
To receive notifications, click on the bell icon in the top right corner, and a pop-up will appear prompting you to confirm your choice. Simply click "Allow" to start receiving notifications.Few readersHow to take the contest?
Steps: Login to your ID and from the options in the right, select “Contest” Now you can view the contests that you are enrolled. Click the particular contest and take the test. ( readersHow to enable the notifications?
STEP 1: Login to your ID STEP 2: Click on the bell icon on the top RIGHT corner of the screen STEP 3: Click on “Allow” on the confirmation message STEP 4:Few readersHow to verify the mobile number?
Step 1: Click the profile in the top right corner and from the given options, click on Account Settings Step 2: Enter your current password and click confirm. Step 3: Now click on "Generate OTP". An OTP will be sent to your mobile number and enter the OTP in theFew readers